
Is Peppermint Tea Good For Constipation?

Staying hydrated is the best way to avoid constipation. For the most part, drinking water to stay hydrated will help the digestive tract by keeping the by-products from eating and moving through the tract.


Fluids help the digestive tract by keeping moisture in and keeping the stool soft.

Constipation can be caused by a number of issues.

Stress, anxiety, high sugar diet, improper diet or no foods.

Herbal Teas

Certain types of teas can help with constipation, whether in an indirect manner or a direct manner. Herbal teas are a type of tea that is all-natural and may have other benefits to it besides that it tastes good.

Herbal teas are generally used for relaxation, to help sleep, help to unwind, it may help to reduce pain and inflammation. Some are thought to boost immunity and help with memory function or mental alertness.

Herbal teas can help to improve the digestive system and just like regular tea, herbal teas are calorie-free.

Herbal teas are not made from actual tea leaves, instead, they are made from dried flowers, herbs, spices or fruits. The majority of herbal teas are also caffeine-free.

Risks of Herbal Teas


It is highly believed that only adults should consume herbal teas that have a laxative quality to them.

Harmful to children?

Peppermint Tea

Children should be given other options as a form of a laxative. Increased water intake, physical activities increased and increased the intake of high-fibre foods.

There are some child doses of laxatives that are sold as ‘Over The Counter’, but for this information, it is not suggested that a child can or cannot have herbal teas.

Are herbal teas regulated?

Peppermint Tea

Within the United States, there is no regulation by the FDA in regards to herbal teas. Due to the lack of regulation, the amount of the herb in a herbal tea may vary from brand to brand. The potency of the herb is not guaranteed and some herbal teas may include some untested ingredients.

Side effects of Herbal Teas


Some herbal teas with laxatives could create further health risks such as cramping and diarrhoea.

Some ingredients in herbal teas may interact with medications currently taken. Before consuming any herbal tea, the patient should speak with his or her physician to ensure that there is no possible interaction with current medications.

Long term use

Peppermint Tea

Herbal teas are meant to help in the short term. Herbal teas or Peppermint tea can help for an occasional bout of constipation. However, herbal teas should not be used as a long-term solution.

Reliance on herbal tea to relieve constipation, just as with any other over-the-counter laxative can work in the opposite manner if used too often. The herbal tea prevents the body from doing the job it is meant to do.

If a person finds that they are relying on herbal tea consistently, they should make an appointment to see their physician. The physician can recommend a treatment plan for the long term to help with chronic constipation.

Chronic constipation will have some underlying cause and only a medical physician can diagnose what that would be.

Those who do not understand the ramifications of using herbal tea for constipation, or the risks and benefits of using herbal tea or other supplements should speak with their Physician.

Why is the Tea Used for Constipation?


Herbal teas are made from the plant, the flower or a combination of the plant to formulae the tea. Some herbal teas are meant specifically to help with constipation. These include:

Peppermint is considered an overall benefit for the digestive system. Peppermint tea may help relieve constipation and also possibly prevent constipation. Peppermint tea as well as other herbal teas such as Senna, Green tea or Cascara are also believed to help with constipation as they have an ingredient in the herb that acts like a laxative.

Teas are believed to also help with constipation because the person is consuming additional fluids, which is beneficial in relieving constipation.

Herbal teas that are labelled as those which help with constipation will come with instructions to drink one cup before bedtime. It must be reiterated that if constipation continues for more than a few days, an appointment with a medical professional should be made and the discussion takes place in regard to chronic constipation.

Peppermint tea is also thought to relieve an upset stomach that comes along with constipation. For those who are subject to an upset stomach after eating or chronic constipation, drinking a cup of Peppermint tea after each meal may find that there is some relief found by way of peppermint tea.

Other Remedies for Constipation


There are plenty of natural remedies that should be able to help those who suffer from constipation. A diet rich in fibre, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and eating a well-rounded meal plan each day could ultimately be what helps those with chronic constipation. It is understood that life gets in the way sometimes, making it difficult to maintain a healthy eating pattern. Staying hydrated is the best way to guarantee constipation relief.

Causes of Constipation


Constipation can be caused by any number of issues that a person deals with. Including stress, other medications that are prescribed may have a constipating effect on the person. Speaking with the physician is the only way to determine what the cause of the constipation is.

There are issues such as the following that give concern for those with constipation.

  •             IBS or other intestinal issues
  •             Thyroid disease
  •             Cystic Fibrosis
  •             Mood disorders
  •             Neurological issues, especially those affecting the bowel and rectum
  •             Side effects of medications

Again, the only truly legitimate method of determining what the cause of the constipation is would be to speak with your physician.

Drinking a cup of warm peppermint tea will help calm the stomach and the digestive tract, it will also provide the liquid that is needed to soften the stool and help it to pass.

The physician may suggest an increase in daily water intake, a high fibre diet, a cup of peppermint tea each day, or maybe even some over-the-counter laxatives.

However, for those that would prefer to stick with nature and an all-natural routine, it is important that diet changes are made that will help your system to function regularly. High fibre, plenty of water, fruits and vegetables and combined with a daily exercise routine.

This would be the way to guarantee that your body is functioning the way it is meant to function. If the cause is due to other medications, your Medical Physician will be able to sit with you and make suggestions as to what you should do.

It is also possible to drink too much herbal tea. This may be easier to understand if it is phrased in a different manner. Think of your favourite food, imagine eating it every single day for every meal. This would sooner or later, get to be too much for a person. The same can be said for drinking too much herbal tea.

As stated, Peppermint tea or many other herbal teas are meant to help with a short-term goal, such as easing constipation. There are some unpleasant side effects that can come with drinking too much herbal tea.

These side effects may include:

Granted none of these issues would be medical emergencies, but one at a time or together, it would ruin a good day.



It is generally considered safe to drink between 3 and 4 cups of herbal tea a day. However, just like with coffee, some people will have no problem drinking more than this amount, while there may be many others who cannot handle more than 1 or 2 cups all day. Some people may get jitters from too much tea, while others seem to have no real effects from the tea.

There may be some chemicals or compounds in the tea that are unsatisfactory for your health. Each person is different, and the teas may react differently to each person.

As a warning, many herbal teas may contain chemicals and that are not shown on the labels. For instance, many fields are sprayed with chemicals and pesticides to eliminate insects, however, since the manufacturer does not consider this as an ingredient, it is not listed and could therefore be considered a very dangerous situation.

When it comes to drinking Peppermint Tea for constipation, there is nothing wrong with a cup or two of tea a day. As long as the person realizes that Peppermint tea is not meant as a long-term solution to chronic constipation.

Chronic constipation is a problem that may only be dealt with safely with your Medical Physician. Together the two of you can determine the best route to follow. It may be that a short-term solution is all that is needed so a cup or two a day will be fine. However, the only way to know is to ask your medical professional.