Do Cell Phones & WiFi Cause Cancer? Maybe January 19, 2018[toc]It’s easy to become fixated on a specific characteristic of food – like whether or not it’s organic...
10 Moringa Oleifera Health Benefits and 1 Big Lie August 4, 2017[toc]Also known as the drumstick tree, horseradish tree, and miracle tree, the moringa has been used for centuries...
Thyme Tea Recipe May Beat Green For Antioxidants & Health July 5, 2017In 2012, Pope Benedict bestowed her the title Doctor of the Church. Now that title has to do...
10 Scary Facts About Propylene Glycol In Food & Skin Care June 21, 2017If you think your natural deodorant and organic ice cream doesn’t contain this, then you better double check...
Benefits of Fennel Tea & Essential Oil Not Worth Cancer Risk June 16, 2017It’s in the same family as carrots, parsley, dill, and celery (Apiaceae). When chopped, it also looks a...
By Disease / Condition May 20, 2017Foods suggested by research which might be good (or bad) for specific diseases, ailments, and health concerns. Acid...
Pau d’Arco Tea Benefits For Candida & Cancer Debunked May 12, 2017The idea of eating tree bark may sound disgusting, but you already do so and you probably enjoy...
What’s Worse: GMO Arctic Apple or Grape “Grapple Fruit” April 3, 2017The year 2017 has been marked as a first for many things. In Washington D.C., we have many...
Cheese Addiction: Has Casomorphin Turned You Into a Fat Pig? March 1, 2017Ask any vegan which food they miss the most. For the vast majority, the answer will not involve...
Airplane Allergy Attack vs. Emotional Support Animal February 13, 2017American Airlines no longer serves those little bags of peanuts. Apparently, the mere possibility of parts per billion...