Comments on: Can You Have a Hemp Seed Allergy? Watch For These Symptoms Sat, 21 Nov 2020 02:01:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erik Sat, 21 Nov 2020 02:01:14 +0000 In reply to Rebecca.

I realized today that I am allergic to hemp hearts. The other day I had them on my salad, and i violently threw up afterwards, and I never throw up. I though it was my homemade balsamic vinagrette. Today I put hemp hearts on my oatmeal for breakfast, about 3 tbsp as per the serving size. I then had about 2-3 hours of stomach pain, heavy breathing, fetal position on the couch, etc.
Interesting article. I do also experience slight anaphylactic shock to various dense foods, like avocados and pistachios.

By: Bob Delbridge Thu, 30 Apr 2020 14:32:37 +0000 I’m 70. After my son gave me a small cbd cookie the room began spinning violently. It lasted for hours until I finally passed out. I could hear him speak but forming a word required the utmost concentration. Even shifting my head slightly made the tumbling and nausia happen again. I didn’t associate this with the cbd right away and I thought I might be having a stroke. But I couldn’t communicate that to my son and trying to get up was impossible. It was a frightening experience. That was last night. This AM my head is fogged and I feel that if I move it the tumbling might recur. Still I can move and speak slowly. I hope this will pass soon.
Written April 30, 2020.

By: Asparagus Fri, 22 Nov 2019 17:49:50 +0000 We served my son sprinkles of hemp seeds in things like pancakes, salads etc. for years with no issues. Then one day I gave him a Hemp Heart Bite and he ate the whole thing at once (sort of a mini granola bar packed with hemp seed protein). His throat started to swell and he became nauseous & developed heartburn and had to go lie down. I gave him Benadryl and the reaction subsided after about an hour. We arranged testing with an allergist, who confirmed that he does in fact have a mildly anaphylactic hemp seed allergy — despite having no other food or environmental allergies. We did the full skin prick test with about 40 other allergens and all were negative. It’s super bizarre that he would have just this one single allergy out of all possible ones. Anyway I can certainly attest that hemp seed allergies are possible and can actually be severe. The question now is about carrying an Epipen. We had one prescribed, but he’s a teenager and doesn’t think it’s necessary. It’s not like people are spoon-feeding him concentrated amounts of hemp protein without him noticing, so it’s hard to argue : )

By: Jan Powlesland Mon, 24 Jun 2019 05:05:28 +0000 Jan Had a niece over from Canada said she was using hemp seeds.Thought I would try them. I am now covered in a itching rash on my back.Drove me nearly mad one night,got relief from good old calamine lotion. Needless to say seeds are down wastemaster,!!

By: Rachel Bata Mon, 06 May 2019 02:28:04 +0000 dizzy, headache, and running nose (with congestion) if that makes sense?! I was not sure if this is a sensitivity to the essential oils so I used none at all today. I was feeling a bit better after taking benadryl until I took another dosage of hemp oil a hour ago! My face is swelling again and burning like more hemp oil for me. The strange thing is I have smoked in the past with no bad reactions at all! I am wondering if I should go to hospital after reading these similar stories!!! What a mystery is this. I hope this will confirm it can actually be happening and (not in their head)]]> Hi guys, I am a self proclaimed herbalist who have used very kind of Essential oil on the market never having any kind of allergic reaction except with cinnamon leaf lotion I made (never again). You can develops toxicity over time with Essential oils too! Be careful too much is a bad thing! I recently started to drink hemp seeds oil 2 tablespoons full at a time on waking. I have started to have severe hives all over my face swelling, itching, burning. I also am 😵dizzy, headache, and running nose (with congestion) if that makes sense?! I was not sure if this is a sensitivity to the essential oils so I used none at all today. I was feeling a bit better after taking benadryl until I took another dosage of hemp oil a hour ago! My face is swelling again and burning like crazy…no more hemp oil for me. The strange thing is I have smoked in the past with no bad reactions at all! I am wondering if I should go to hospital after reading these similar stories!!! What a mystery is this. I hope this will confirm it can actually be happening and (not in their head)

By: Been there. Thu, 02 May 2019 17:48:29 +0000 In reply to Madison Zwiebel.

I have that reaction to pot smoke. Six years ago I walked out of my front door right into another tenant’s pot smoke cloud and got a breathfull before I realized it; instantaneously severe constriction. I jumped back inside, slammed the door shut behind me, ran into the br and slammed that door shut too. Doc said a second breathfull would have killed me. There is good reason to oppose the legalization of recreational pot use.

By: Shandel Harper Sun, 21 Apr 2019 19:31:16 +0000 I started using Hemp oil capsules, I heard they help with sleep. I woke up one day after taking them for 3 weeks and my eyes were swollen shut and I have a red itchy rash all over my face and neck. The only thing I had changed in my diet was adding Hemp oil. OMG, so glad I came across this, they are going in the trash. Now not sure how to deal with this, going on 3 days now. YIKES!!!

By: Kris Amptman Wed, 06 Feb 2019 16:57:13 +0000 Tried a friend’s “Vegan” protein shake mix at work. It was chocolate, and I’m not a fan of chocolate so it BARELY touched my lips. 10 minutes later, severe indigestion and sweats. 20 minutes later, the hives began and the reflux was almost unbearable. 30 minutes in full blown anafilaxis with throat swelling and bein rushed to the hospital. The staff said I was 5 minutes away from an emergency trach and a helicopter ride.
Fast forward to today, after two allergist specialists and going the ingredients with a fine tooth comb, the specialist was able to come up with a test for hemp seed, and sure enough I am severely allergic. Glad to finally know what it was that almost killed me.

By: Allergy City Tue, 08 Jan 2019 00:37:24 +0000 Never could smoke pot, always broke me out instantly. Guess I wasn’t thinking when I tried hemp seed oil to try and lower cholesterol. Totally wiped away a few hours after it hit my stomach and felt real bad. Nightmares also, each of the two times I tried it, and I only did one teaspoon each time. Safe to say, I wasted my money, and won’t again.

By: WeBeFly Mon, 03 Dec 2018 18:13:32 +0000 In reply to Donna Nowak.

I have drank hemp milk lattes a few times but this last time I ended up with stomach cramps that lasted all day and then pretty severe diarrhea. I’m not sure if it is the additives or the hemp milk, but now that I associate hemp milk with stomach cramps, I won’t be drinking it anymore.
