Comments on: MCT Oil Benefits vs. Side Effects: More Harm Than Good? Thu, 18 Feb 2021 07:28:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hans Mon, 25 Mar 2019 23:18:01 +0000 In reply to Heather.

The body can make all the sat fat it needs for cell membranes, hormones etc. Koreans eat a very low-fat diet and used to eat less fat. Over 600g of starchy carb foods per day. No problems with membranes or hormones. You’re not making any sense. The research says that sat fats are bad for you. It doesn’t show any benefits of organic over conventional meat. You’ll be in danger of getting the same health issues down the road.

By: Hans Mon, 25 Mar 2019 23:10:23 +0000 In reply to E.

You’re living in the broscience keto echo chamber. In the real world, sat fat is the worst. It causes inflammation and raises your total and LDL cholesterol, which are absolutely linked to heart disease risk and mortality (and no, this has not been disproven, and Ancel Keys has not been ‘debunked.’) East some sat fat and your arteries stiffen for hours. Guess why ‘intermittent fasting’ is so popular among keto adherents…? The keto diet is ridiculous and there are no miracle benefits to it. There’s no evidence that it magically makes unhealthy foods healthy. There is, however, good evidence that mortality goes up rapidly with increased fat intake once a threshold is crossed.

By: Heather Fri, 15 Mar 2019 14:25:32 +0000 There’s alot of good science in the article, but the conclusion to eat low fat is all wrong. This article is yet another article perpetuating the fear of saturated fat. From healthy sources saturated fat plays a role in the body just as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats do. Our omega 6’s are already overdone because of how we feed our poultry and conventional cows. Hopefully people are eating pasture raised and organic wherever possible to avoid oxidized fats and trans fats caused by poor quality feed. We need healthy fats to build cell membranes, for cellular communication, to make hormones and to manage the inflammation process. Most omega 6 is pro inflammatory. Most healthy Saturated fats, good cholesterol, and omega 3’s are going to be anti inflammatory. Butyric acid from butter has all kinds of benefits. We need to do our own research people. Don’t believe every article your read.

By: Lis Thu, 07 Mar 2019 07:36:28 +0000 Interesting article. Especially that no oil is natural. I’m trying to stay as close to eating veggies and fruits in their natural state. Just because a vege or fruit can be made into an oil or butter or juice doesn’t make it better nutritionally. Just a thought

By: Bob Hammack Tue, 19 Feb 2019 01:51:33 +0000 In reply to NOMOREBULLETPROOF.

I have been doing Keto for 3 1/2 years now. I am controlling T2D successfully. Most people do not know a very important point, You can google this, If LdL and HdL are higher than normal and Triglycerides are lower, then the LdL and HdL numbers are meaningless.
When my blood test come back, my doctor is happy to see my LdL at 185, my triglycerides are at 77, he says he expects this because I am a fat burner. There is a good exploitation of this on the Mayo Clinic site.
I have to say I support the High fat diet, My A1C went from 10.8 to 7 in 6 months, and I have been at 5.7 or lower for the last 2 years, I am also 40 lbs lighter and holding.
Don’t give up!

By: NOMOREBULLETPROOF Sun, 30 Sep 2018 15:28:02 +0000 I am researching because after 6 months of bullet proof coffee my blood work came back and my cholesterol was significantly higher. My good cholesterol was lower and my bad cholesterol was higher. First time ever in my life. I am 54 and slim build and pretty active. I try to eat healthy and workout 2X a week doing HIIT as well as walking my dog the other days. I was surprised! I love bullet proof and was doing it as part of an intermittent fasting. I would have one in the morning and be good to go till 2-3 in the afternoon. I need to rethink this! My cholesterol went up from 192 to 236!

By: Karen Wed, 18 Jul 2018 00:26:22 +0000 I think it’s interesting that the author said that if you’re a grownup drinking breast milk, there’s something wrong with you (which I agree with!). But I also think there’s something wrong with drinking breast milk from a cow or goat. We’re not meant to ingest any of that past weaning!

By: Jill Sun, 08 Jul 2018 19:17:27 +0000 What’s the smoke point of MCT oil? Is it safe for high heat cooking?

By: Lauren Wed, 04 Apr 2018 21:30:25 +0000 Good article and very timely for our family. We went Keto and decided that it was another “greatest new thing”, so we are backed down on the animal products.
We are eating Shredded Coconut for a “hunger attack” fix, but have cut out 99% of our snacking, We’ll lighten up on Coconut.
We eat Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Brussel Sprouts, and ultra light on Carrots as our main course at Lunch, with meat/cheese as a side dish. Some tomato sauce to jazz up our veggies. We haven’t heard of veggies causing health issues, so we’ll carry on. Breakfast is Avo w/ Eggs. We Intermittent Fast after lunch, until Breakfast.
It is all so confusing. This what to eat hype, and the greatest new food craze, is getting old.
Marketers own us, or at least they did, and don’t get me started on all of the MD Media Superstars, writing books, and doing the event circuit. I’m done!

By: Lisa Wed, 07 Mar 2018 20:29:58 +0000 I read the entire article.. I never do that!
Very well written! Thanks a bunch!
