Comments on: Top 10 List of Foods High In Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) Wed, 17 Feb 2021 09:02:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ralph J Mon, 01 Feb 2021 01:10:38 +0000 What about Brewers Yeast as a source of Alpha Lipoic Acid?

By: Cris Mon, 17 Feb 2020 15:26:26 +0000 Hello David, for treating your diabetes type I recommend you to search for information about the very recommendable drug “metformine”. For that problem with ALA and heavy metal toxification, there are two steps to put, the first one to eliminate or reduce the concentration of the merury and other metals in the body tissue – for instance, by consuming clorella or garlic. The second one is the detoxifacation of the brain, continuously accompnied by the tissue-cleaning with clorella. There is only one known plant that will do that – cilantro (Spanish – don`t know the word in English).

By: Arman Thu, 19 Sep 2019 06:30:13 +0000 In reply to Lyns Struck.

You’ve probably had viruses in your nervous system causing the burning . Try cbd oil 200 mg day minimum or gabapentin 300mg starting dose . Then go up from there.

By: H. Thu, 28 Jun 2018 12:17:13 +0000 In reply to Eddie.

Dear Eddie,

there is a LOT that you can do about the wrinkles, especially at your age. Without knowing the specifics of your case (and the there might very well be a depression link – possibly via the liver), I could suggest, for example, occasional microneedling. It builds collagen like few things do. (You can do it at home, but invest in a really good product – and don’t overdo it! Do your research beforehand, and don’t be tempted by websites that actually sell microneedling devices. Go for independent research.)
Another thing that has helped a lot of people against wrinkling is tretinoin; also, glycolic acid. (AGAIN – do it properly!)
Also, if you are from India, I am assuming (perhaps wrongly) that you get a lot of sunshine. All of the methods above will make your skin more sensitive to UV-rays, so you will have to use good sunblock for at least a few days after each treatment.

Don’t despair – there is a lot that you can do. (I speak from experience.)
Just research it properly and don’t let desperation push you to hasty procedures or overdoing it.

Good luck.

By: Sara Mon, 25 Jun 2018 11:30:30 +0000 In reply to Martha.

What supplement do you use for acid reflux?

By: David Patterson Tue, 29 May 2018 18:40:36 +0000 A different thread… R-ALA
I suffer from an autoimmune disease, type one diabetes, diagnosed 4 years ago at the age of 64. Due to the lag in diagnosis nephropathy damaged extremities, torso, lower torso and back. Treatment for diabetes has required over 200+ injections a month for an aggressive control of insulin keeping A1C between 6.3 and 6.8.
Management of nephropathy and diabetes required a dietary change to predominantly vegetarian.To reduce pain and progression of the nephropathy and control glucose levels a daily regimen of S-ALA 300mg was used. Improvement overall with S-ALA was marginal at best. Changing to R-ALA made a significant impact and is what I would recommend. Using a standardized R-ALA is what I have used and continue to use with excellent results. Dosage is from 150mg to 300mg. Since the use of R-ALA glucose control improved and nephropathy is in check with few instances of pain. Word of caution…. be careful of R-ALA produced in China and redistributed. I have found only one company that has a good R-ALA product – Geronova Research. Geronova has supporting laboratory documentation and analysis of their product. The R-ALA is not cheap. However, the results are worth it.

By: Maura Sun, 22 Apr 2018 16:38:53 +0000 In reply to Pascal.

Pascal, your thinking appears very sensible!

By: Maura Sun, 22 Apr 2018 16:35:13 +0000 In reply to Eddie.

Also, Eddie, look over regarding depression.

By: Martha Sun, 08 Apr 2018 13:33:52 +0000 I started using a natural supplement twenty years ago and found it made a huge difference in my health and energy so, of course, I believed it would do the same for others. I recommended it to family and friends. There were mixed reactions. Some relatives it really seemed to help but others didn’t feel it made much difference. I tried asking if they took the said supplements regularly but would get vague answers. The biggest problem is knowing if each person took it regularly. I do ,however, agree that not everyone reacts to supplements the same way. For instance, I have great success with using a particular supplement for my acid reflux but have little help from supplements for help with digestion, whereas my daughter has great success with the supplement for digestion and no help from the one I use for acid reflux. So it’s obvious that bodies respond differently to supplements.

By: Steelsil Tue, 03 Apr 2018 09:12:50 +0000 I’m a 67 year old man with the HLA-B27 gene, which predisposes to various autoimmune diseases. My first anklylsing spondylitis (spinal arthritis,) symptom showed up when I was 17 yr. old. At times, I was in a wheel chair. I had an attack of iritis at age 27. Much later I developed gout, psoriasis of the scalp, osteoarthritis, and just lately, rheumatic arthritis in the joints of several fingers. I also have metabolic disorder, with fatness, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. The osteoarthritis is from a car wreck which badly damaged my right foot. The HLA B27 Gene is probably from my relatively small amount of Native American heritage.

I now take nabumetone (an NSAID easy on the stomach, as it is not acidic,) allopurinol (for gout,) hydrocodone, (for aches and pains,) atorvastatin (for blood cholesterol / fats,) 5 grams of omega 3 fats, EPA, DHA a day (from fish oil, for arthritis,) resveratrol (for aging,) co-q-10 (for energy,) D3, (because I stay out of the little sun found where I live due to a melanoma cut off of me, ) Lutein & Zeaxanthin, (for my eyes, since I have NAION, which attacks the nerves feeding blood to the eyes,) Resveratrol (to reduce aging,) Grapeseed extract (to prevent oxidative damage), N-Acetyl Cysteine (, to reduce the effects of drinking alcohol, as it is an analgenic,) alpha lipoic acid (to prevent oxygen radical damage,) Gabapentin, (for neuropathic pain in my crushed foot,) Zolpidem tartrate (to sleep, since pain prevents sleep,) Vicodin, (10/325, for pain from all of the above.) Most of the above are also antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, useful for my various ailments. I’m going to try nicotinamide riboside to increase my energy, since as one might imagine, dragging all of these autoimmune disorders around is fatiguing. My wife is sensitive to supplements, but she is tired too, and so will try it.

I am controlling the fatness, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar with a diet which eliminates starches and sugars.
