Comments on: List of Supplements Without Magnesium Stearate Thu, 18 Feb 2021 16:27:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Thu, 11 Feb 2021 04:00:07 +0000 Magnesium! ARRRGHHHH! Its one of the first things doctors want to put you on once you get past 50, They assume you have troubles with constipation and muscle cramps. I had no problems with either but my doctor advised me to try it. All it did for me was make me have miserable little, unsatisfying bowel movements all day long, and have sleep apnea. So, I ditched the magnesium and went back to normal. I have started to take many more vitamins and supplements now to help my immune system during the pandemic and to help my thyroid function better. I began to have bowel problems again, all day long. So, I checked to see how many supplements I took listed magnesium stearate in their “other” ingredients, and found that all 5 types that I took had it. It’s very frustrating to find so much of an unwanted mineral in everything. I thought I was in control of what I put into my body but ha ha. So now I am searching the “other” ingredients label and trying to limit my intake of magnesium stearate. Thanks a lot healthy supplement companies.

By: Anna Wed, 11 Nov 2020 19:41:34 +0000 HI I’ve been having loose stools as of late and I’m thinking the Magnesium Stearate is doing it. I’m sensitive to Magnesium and haven’t been able to find a Magnesium supplement that I can tolerate yet. Tried Magnesium Glycinate and it too bothered me. :( Going to switch to supplements that don’t contain it. The Magnesium Stearate. Too bad I like Jarrow but they are putting it in alot of their capsules now prob to save money. Aaargh. :(

By: Roger Mon, 10 Aug 2020 19:02:30 +0000 Great information for me. A little over a year ago had very bad diarrhea. My Primary Care Dr. had several test run and all results were acceptable but still had the problem. The test results were a great help to eliminate possibilities. My investigation resulted in a hypothesis that my excess ingestion of Sugar Alcohol (more than the European suggested limit of 20 mg/day and probably more than the FDA’s mg/day suggested limit) resulting in the diarrhea. I read that this would require 9 to 18 months to cure. Was just getting back to normal and now back to fairly bad diarrhea again. I usually use my self made colloidal silver to eliminate a bacteria or virus cause: no change this time. I take about 150 tablets, capsules a day and have been pushing to save more of my brain after using the process of elimination to help solve my first bout of diarrhea. This bout came in about the time I added up to 4500 mg of MSM that appeared to be beneficial. One of my Daughters (A Nurse) told me too much MSM can be a problem, therefore it was something I was watching for. Today I learned of the possible bad affect of magnesium stearate. Yes my MSM and best guess based on looking at about 20 bottles is that 70 % of about 100 bottles contain magnesium stearate. I do not think the cause is MSM but the magneium stearate.
82 y.o. and only 2 prescriptions; nitroglycern and eye pressure drops (never had glycoma but anything to keep more of my eyesight (20/25).

By: Miss Mac Wed, 29 Jul 2020 13:18:44 +0000 My whole life I’ve never taken any medication on a regular basis only vitamins. Well late last year I found out my blood was high so I was given medication to take daily. A rash started on my forehead and eventually all over my face. My doctor took me off that medication and put me on another with a lower dose no change to the rash it continued. Went to an allergy dr and she did a comparison between the two and both had magnesium-sterate. I stopped taking the medication and my face is clearing up. I am now looking for vitamins without magnesium-stearate. I am also going to a natural path dr to get my blood pressure under control.

By: Suzanne Tue, 28 Jul 2020 17:29:10 +0000 Regarding Pure Encapsulations, price is NOT the only concern. PE was bought out by the multinational Nestle in 2018. One of the many scandals of Nestle is documented in the 1974 report “The Baby Killers”. “Nestle would give out free milk formula samples (offered by sales reps dressed as nurses), and tell the women that baby formula is richer than mother’s milk. The young, uneducated mother, inspired to be “progressive” would stop breastfeeding effectively stopping her own milk production. So now she would have to… buy the formula. When the average income in these poor countries is $1/day, the $7/week formula cost is too high. To cope, the mother would then diluting the milk (often with contaminated water); depleting the child who would then die of malnutrition or starvation.” (Source: I was very disappointed to hear this, as PE was my favourite brand–but I will not purchase PE any more. I’m still searching for a replacement. AOR has some products without magnesium stearate and they seem to be moving in the direction of cleaning up more of their products. It is a quandary as our trusted brands are bought up by unethical or questionable companies.

By: P.J. Smith Thu, 27 Feb 2020 04:05:21 +0000 Ifound out about Magnesium stearate about60 years ago. I am now 87 and try not to get magnesium stearate.At the time I started to get swollen joints on one hand and when xrayed they showed the bone starting to crumble. So I looked at whaT I was taking and it was one of the few I did. When I stopped taking the vitamin that had magnesium stearate in it and that stopped the problem tho one joint in my left hand looks a bit larger. This stuff also sets off my arthritis and not what I want in order to keep in fair conditioin. A lot of people dont realize that this stuff can hurt their systems. and when they do where do they go for vitamins.

By: Lonni Tue, 17 Sep 2019 03:25:30 +0000 In reply to Katherine.

Hi; I found out that I am actually allergic to it. Many times a new supplement I was excited to take gave me swelling under my eyes and in my ankles , etc. And the name was in the ingredients. More and more I cant find it without. And the price doubles without it.
It’s not fair, for sure.

By: Katherine Sat, 23 Feb 2019 12:48:24 +0000 Pure Encapsulations uses “ascorbyl palmitate,” *another* vitamin attached to fat (palmitic acid instead of stearic acid).

Since palmitic acid is unhealthy and a potential trigger for migraines, is it really any better than magnesium stearate?

If anyone could expound on this, it would be great. Thanks.

By: Cathy Miller Burgoyne Thu, 21 Feb 2019 19:56:59 +0000 Palm oil and palmitic acids are my worst migraine triggers. I didn’t know until today that magnesium stearate and stearic acid are related to palm oil. Magnesium supplements give me terrible migraines and now I know why.

By: Debbie Canto Thu, 29 Mar 2018 01:45:05 +0000 You may want to change your info here because I looked up a Nutrigold product and it has magnesium stearate listed in the ingredients. The product is Nutrigold Zym-itic, which are digestive enzymes.
