Comments on: Activated Charcoal Uses May Be Harmful, Possibly Cancerous Thu, 18 Feb 2021 07:36:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: AC_Hero Tue, 22 Sep 2020 16:26:08 +0000 In reply to AJ.

Your scientific perspective is flawed. Carbon fibers are not same as Activated Carbon. Polymers are not same as carbon based lifeform like us.

By: Cool Tue, 22 Sep 2020 16:17:47 +0000 In reply to Mike.

You need to reduce amount of activated charcoal consumption to smaller quantities to get rid of constipation. BTW flatulence is mostly caused either due to the fact that someone is poisoning you (you may not realize it but the world is a really ugly place where jealous people tend to do some really evil stuff) or you are consuming toxins in your diet by consuming junk foods.

By: AC_HERO Tue, 22 Sep 2020 16:08:28 +0000 In reply to Qwerty.

True. The article is written by someone on the payroll of some sh*tty company or it is gossip intended to misguide people. BTW author needs to know that we ourselves are carbon based life form. So, AC has no side effects whatsoever. That being said, keep the daily consumption in extremely small amounts (250 mg or less) and don’t purchase it from market. Make it yourself. The only way you can be harmed from it is by consuming the factory made impure AC. ’nuff said.

By: Chokey Fri, 06 Dec 2019 02:57:49 +0000 @AJ, what happens in vitro doesn’t necessarily happen in vivo

By: Superfoodly Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:00:07 +0000 In reply to AJ.

Excellent insight!

By: AJ Mon, 08 Oct 2018 12:18:37 +0000 First, you do want to turn your body into a galvanic cell! Here is a quote from a reference (see

“The carbon fibers are electrically conductive and electrochemically very noble. Therefore, when a metal is electrically connected to a CFRP, it is more susceptible to galvanic corrosion. This situation becomes worse when a large surface area of carbon composite components is coupled to small metallic parts (such as fasteners, bolts and nuts). In these circumstances, the rate of galvanic corrosion is extremely high due to the high cathode to anode surface area ratio (Ac/Aa)…..”
My chemical perspective is that current forms solvated electrons + O2 = .O2- which is the superoxide radical anion. The latter plus an acid source makes H2O2 which in the present of ferrous, cuprous, …makes hydroxyl radicals which attack organics including your DNA leading to cancer, and oxidative stress related

The story gets even better per another reference, but while not in the presence of oxygen:

“The production of the reactive oxidant (i.e., hydroxyl radical) by the Fenton-like reaction (Fe(III)/H2O2) was greatly improved by the addition of carbon materials such as powdered activated carbon (PAC) and carbon nanotubes (CNT).”

Source: ‘Enhanced production of reactive oxidants by Fenton-like reactions in the presence of carbon materials’. Available from:
Now, one can perform their own redox experiments at home and verify that AC accelerates redox reactions, a bad thing in your body, or wait 20, 30, 50 years until it is public knowledge .

By: Cathy Mon, 09 Jul 2018 18:22:40 +0000 Another important thing this writer left out. There are clinical uses for charcoal use in keeping some kidney patients off dialysis.

I don’t feel like looking it up and posting the links. But do it yourself if interested. They are easy to find.

I think that’s a pretty good thing and I hope more is being done to use that method and/or do more clinical trials with it. … Sadly, a lot of times they WON’T, just because something is “natural”.

But it’s a pretty interesting fact that it can be used in kidney failure patients (and has been used by Doctors) and has saved people from going on dialysis.

Now they were certain people they studied this on. Like they were really old, but they had to meet certain conditions. I cant remember exactly what. But that should be looked into more. … And it helped them when they WERE old, what can it do for younger patients???

By: Usha Mon, 04 Jun 2018 19:51:12 +0000 In reply to Chele.

Hi Chele, I’m eagerly following this blog and also reading a numerous other articles on benefits of AC. Just wanted to follow-up and see if you have your blood work and if AC was effective to you at all?

By: Chele Thu, 15 Feb 2018 23:00:30 +0000 I’m trying the charcoal capsules right now (in VERY high doses – if that article is correct, I could cover the ENTIRE football field with each dose!) 2-3 times a day – spaced by at least 90 minutes before, and after, all prescription meds and NUMEROUS detox vitamins. The theory is this. I was exposed to mold and mildew in a home for 10 years. A DNA blood panel was done on me first to see what was what with all different mineral/vitamins in my bloodstream (I’m BEYOND deficient in NUMEROUS vitamins that explains a lot), the ability to eliminate toxins on my own (which it can’t), etc. It was interesting to see my results. I’m 3 weeks into the regimen to see if it helps my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. I figure the supplements can’t be any worse than drugs that publicly announce they can cause cancer. So far – other than having to live with timers set 6 times a day – no side effects – no even black poop lol. I don’t feel any better yet, but my intestinal tract is running more smoothly. I have to get more bloodwork next week – so I’m being monitored pretty closely….that’s why I feel “it can’t hurt but maybe it CAN help”. After years of lowgrade drugs and numerous needles/procedures, I’ll try anything at this point. If it works – my old, hippie Dr is going to be one very rich man for putting all this together! So far all the negative things I’m seeing in this aritcle, my Dr has already addressed and I’m being told to counteract them. Wish me luck!!!

By: Lup Wed, 07 Feb 2018 17:05:20 +0000 In reply to Andrea Lyter.

“My daughter took the activated charcoal for a few weeks and it removed her plantar warts that she had”, plantar warts often go away on their own, had she taken orange or vitamin c you would have thought oh, it is the vit C. The fact that she took charcoal and during that period the warts have gone absolutely does not mean it is the charcoal that did the job. Besides, given how charcoal works, it can’t really have “attacked” a virus that is in some feet tissues.
