Comments on: Lithium Orotate Dosages Have a Hidden Danger Wed, 17 Feb 2021 17:49:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: JACOB QUERIDO Sun, 13 Sep 2020 20:31:19 +0000 Ok folks I was looking to buy some lo and saw this article for which I think Superfoodly for doing the work.
Dr. Frank Shallenberger who now writes has an article in the September 2020 issue about the possible effect on Alzheimer’s amyloid plaques being prevented and possibly being removed with the special NP03 formulation of lo. This as he says is not commercially available but he has used the normal 120mg dose to perhaps get enough actual lithium into the brain to get results. His newsletter is pretty cheap at $49/year but just in case his references are as follows (and let’s hope Superfoodly will leave them here otherwise send me an email); the 1978 study mentioned above, and then on January 28, 2020. When you go to that website you can put in the date and find it. In the article there is a link to the article in the Journal of Alzheimer’s and read it (good luck but you can see the main points that things were reduced etc. without all the medical terminology). If you go to the Journal of A website directly you can see that article and several related articles about previous studies of lithium’s effect. Good luck to everybody.

By: Superfoodly Fri, 04 Sep 2020 18:36:35 +0000 In reply to Kieran.

Injections done intraperitoneally: “The resulting slurry was thoroughly and constantly stirred while portions were removed for injection, with 25 gauge needles, intraperitoneally into rats.”

By: Kieran Fri, 04 Sep 2020 00:42:04 +0000 In the rat study that showed lower kidney function from lithium orotate, the lithium orotate was INJECTED! How ridiculous.

By: Stanley Plock Sun, 30 Aug 2020 21:30:14 +0000 In reply to Alice Love.

Yes! This article was heavily biased.
They don’t want doctors recommending it because they can’t make $$$$$ from it.
You can by 200 5 mg. pills for about $15 on eBay.
Many people recommend the Advanced Research brand.

I believe the highest recommended dose for bipolar is 40 mg. (8 tablets) per day.
I have to take that all at once when I have really high anxiety. (Mostly in the morning.)
40 mg. (elemental – 5 mg. x 8 pills) calms me down in about 30 minutes or less.
I’m trying to find out what the maximum SAFE dosage is for lithium orotate.

Note: 120 mg. is about 5 mg. of elemental.
So the dosages are often confusing.
If they are saying a dosage over 100, they mean 120/pill. Not 5 mg. Elemental.
Elemental is rarely over 40 mg.

(This article was supposed to be about dosage.)

By: Marie Sun, 23 Aug 2020 02:51:10 +0000 ]]> In reply to Alice Love.

Thanks Alice,
This helps a Lot! 👍🏼

By: Thom A. Tue, 19 May 2020 00:00:25 +0000 This is a grossly misleading article that discourages people from obtaining the benefits of Lithium Orotate.
People make health decisions (and life decisions in general) based upon risk/reward evaluations.
People don’t expect things to be 100% safe and 100% effective. In fact, nothing in this world can be proven to be 100% safe and 100% effective.
Thus, it’s disingenuous to high-mindedly browbeat how this isn’t FDA approved or that it hasn’t been scientifically proven, and that information is completely irrelevant to somehow reading this trying to evaluate whether to use LO, given the known risks and benefits, might help them or not.
First, the double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trials for drugs will never, ever be conducted for LO; because LO can’t be patented, there is no financial incentive to ever conduct such studies. So to point this out is deceptive and irrelevant.
Here is another true statement:
It’s NEVER been proven that LO, in the doses people typically use for health improvement – has any risk of harm whatsover. Arguably, that’s equally as irrelevent because it doesn’t actually inform people about what’s known – but it does illustrate how much of this article is at best, entirely useless and at worst highly misleading.
*** The basic facts are that people have been using Lithium Orotate for many years and reporting positive effects on health and few, in any, side effects. That’s what people want to know. ***
So please, if you need to show how smart you are, please find another forum to do so where you aren’t undermining people’s health choices with duplicitous and misleading information.

By: Nita Tue, 14 Apr 2020 15:23:12 +0000 In reply to Micah.

Fantastic reply!

By: cuvtixo Fri, 31 Jan 2020 20:20:03 +0000 In reply to Gwen G.

Right about the article and it’s balance, mostly. The problem is that it didn’t investigate the hazard of Lithium Carbonate enough, the extensive blood testing needed to be done while on it, the rates of excessive kidney damage from it. The lack of patentability of lithiums, and how the law disincentivizes any further studies for lithium as treatment for mental illness. It mentions the last study was a collection of anecdotes in ’87- but why is that? Why doesn’t anyone sponsor further studies? That issue is ignored. There may be no conspiracy of Big Pharma, but maybe of “Big Healthcare” including the FDA. Or just outrageous neglect by healthcare providers! There’s a refusal to look behind the Wizard of Oz’s curtain here, metaphorically speaking. Shouldn’t studies be done just to check on safer alternatives to Lithium Carbonate, even if it isn’t profitable in the near term? People SHOULD be getting angry, just not at the article.

By: Cuvtixo D Fri, 31 Jan 2020 20:04:07 +0000 In reply to Micah.

correction, you called Lithium Carbonate, “aspartate”. And another correction: it is not unpatentable because it is “natural”. It is because the patents that covered Lithium Carbonate expired long ago, and I believe the others would be covered by those patents. There is a slight chance that a new, complicated delivery method of medicating with lithium is patentable, be the availability of much cheaper generic lithium, and lithium oratate available as a supplement, makes it unlikely to ever be profitable.

By: cuvtixo Fri, 31 Jan 2020 19:41:18 +0000 In reply to GillMahoney.

I totally agree, I was a mental health worker for five years and my father worked at a psychiatric hospital and my ex-wife of 8 years took it, even went toxic and returned to it because the replacement depakote didn’t work. The ’78 study conclusion mentioned here is TOTALLY speculative about why 3x the amount was found in rat brains. Fact is, oratate is a kind of transporter that encourages absorption of lithium ions into the human body, and carbonate does nearly the opposite, meaning much higher doses are needed, and therefore side effects from the lithium itself are also worse. Oratate requires much less lithium ions are necessary,, and kidney damage reduced. Not to mention, the kidney damage of CARBONATE hasn’t stopped doctors from prescribing and studies on 10 to 30 years of continual use in patients causes extensive damage in most, many patients needing to discontinue Lithium Carbonate because of how extensive the damage is. Meaning there is a little mini industry in medicine, taking blood tests to guard against toxicity and kidney damage from long-term use. For this to be made into a reason to not use Lithium Oratate, but let doctors continue to prescribe Lithium Carbonate is an outrage
