Search Results for “libido” – Superfoodly Thu, 01 Jun 2023 20:30:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Search Results for “libido” – Superfoodly 32 32 Unveiling the Health Benefits of Onions for Men Thu, 01 Jun 2023 20:21:57 +0000 Onions, ubiquitous in kitchens across the globe, are more than just a versatile cooking ingredient. They pack an impressive array of health benefits, specifically advantageous for men. Numerous studies have illuminated the significant health-promoting properties of onions, making them an unassuming superfood for men’s health. [toc] This article delves into the manifold benefits of onions, backed by rigorous scientific studies. The Nutritional Powerhouse Rich in Essential Nutrients Onions are low in calories but rich in nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and […]

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Effects of Eating Raw Onions Wed, 30 Mar 2022 09:52:21 +0000 Raw onions, what are the effects, if any, of eating them? Aside from your breath smelling like onions the rest of the day? Is the onion just a vegetable that adds some flavor to your foods? We know that it is extremely versatile. [toc] It can be eaten raw, fried, sauteed, as an ingredient in casseroles, hotdishes, eggs and many other foods,  and of course as an appetizer. With all the varieties of onion out there, it is easy to […]

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Diets That Only Harm Your Health Mon, 28 Jun 2021 08:33:07 +0000 [toc]Modern diets are designed to normalize the digestive process, improve metabolism and help people lose weight. These are the ideal features that most people count on. But what if not all diets are equally good for you? Marketing can be very effective, and people unconditionally believe in losing weight quickly without negative effects. But the truth is that some diets can only harm your health. Why is this happening? Let’s find this out. Acid-Alkaline Diet This type of diet has […]

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Lithium Orotate Dosages Have a Hidden Danger Wed, 03 Feb 2021 12:01:18 +0000 [toc]If you think your morning cup of Joe packs a kick, the beverages of yesteryear took it to a whole other level. It’s true, the original recipe for Coca-Cola included cocaine as a pick-me-up. But where did the “up” in 7 UP come from? Not cocaine, but lithium citrate. Before being shortened to just 7 UP, its full name was Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda. It was marketed as being a mood-stabilizing beverage and conveniently, the timing of its launch was […]

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Health Benefits of Star Anise vs. Side Effects of Poisoning Mon, 01 Feb 2021 12:00:13 +0000 [toc]What is star anise? Also known as badiam, its pods look liked star-shaped pine cones and actually, they do come from a type of evergreen. However the Illicium verum tree does not have needles, but rather leaves which stay on year ‘round. That’s why it requires a subtropical climate (USDA Zones 8 through 11) and natively grows in the warm southern portions of China and Vietnam. You don’t eat the outer shell of the Chinese star anise. Each of the […]

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Mushroom Vitamin D Content: D2 vs. D3 Scam Mon, 05 Oct 2020 12:00:04 +0000 [toc]Guess what, it’s your lucky day! We at Superfoodly would like to give you $1,000* for free. Aren’t you excited? Then you see the fine print… *in the form of Monopoly money That’s basically the equivalence of what’s going on with a lot of the marketing for vitamin D in mushrooms and other fortified food sources. But at least we have that fine print disclaimer, they don’t even bother to tell you what you’re getting may not be what you […]

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Fenugreek Seeds Benefit Men’s Testosterone & Women’s Breast? Mon, 14 Sep 2020 12:00:19 +0000 [toc]The phytoestrogen in flaxseed is touted for postmenopausal women. Maca is primarily for men due to its research about sperm, libido, and bodybuilding. Rarely is a superfood suggested for gender-specific benefits in both genders. But that’s exactly what you are seeing with this ancient seed. And guess what? The research might support both. What is fenugreek? The fenugreek plant is in the same family as beans, peas, and legumes (Fabaceae). Growing up to 2 feet in height, each of its […]

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Amino Acids: Whey vs Hemp vs Pea vs Rice vs Pumpkin Protein Thu, 10 Sep 2020 12:00:31 +0000 [toc]We all know powders and shakes are among the most efficient ways (calorie-wise) for getting that much needed protein post-workout. However, both animal and plant-based products have their drawbacks. In order to make the comparison as accurate as possible, we have re-calculated the amounts based on a 100 calorie serving for each type of protein (which is different than the serving sizes listed on their labels). All amounts listed below are in grams. Amino acid profiles Pumpkin Whey Hemp Pea […]

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Benefits of DHEA Supplements & Natural Foods Sources Tue, 08 Sep 2020 12:00:20 +0000 [toc]In recent years, the topic of DHEA for women during and after menopause seems to get the most press, however this hormone plays a key role in both genders. In fact, it was because of men who were using it for purported athletic benefits which led to the NCAA banning DHEA supplements. Not because it was considered unsafe in the degree that illegal anabolic steroids are, but because it may offer an unfair advantage for muscle growth and improving physical […]

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Stranger Things About Ashwagandha Benefits For Men vs. Women Tue, 01 Sep 2020 12:00:33 +0000 [toc]What is ashwagandha? Is this “Indian ginseng” the same as regular ginseng? Nope. This plant, the Withania somnifera, is a nightshade which is a totally different species. The nickname is because of its association with strength and stamina – both characteristics of ginseng. Indeed, many people claim such benefits. Check out the 14,000+ ratings of this popular brand on Amazon and see how many reviews mention energy. It’s also known as the winter cherry and poison gooseberry. It’s not poisonous […]

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