
Shankhpushpi Benefits and Side Effects

Some external triggers simply don’t allow you a moment’s peace, and often intense or stressful situations, it’s difficult to calm the galloping rush of thoughts you have in your head.


This prevents you from focusing on your goal and collecting yourself from disturbing thoughts.

Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) is a plant that is an excellent savior for emotional problems. It contains carbohydrates – glucose, maltose, rhamnose, and sucrose.

Rich in glacial acetic acid, scopoletin, Kaemferol, Convoline and B-Sito Serol. It helps with severe emotional and nervous stress, relieves tension, and supports memory function.

Origin of shankhpushpi


Founded in India, Shankhapushpi is a species of pooja that has been used in Ayurveda for centuries and is considered the herb responsible for mindfulness and mood.

An Ayurvedic “Vaishya” – “Memory Grass.” – improves brain function.

Shankhapushpi is also referred to as several other plants used in Ayurveda that affect thinking and mood. These include Clitoria ternatea, Canscora decussata, and Evolvulus alsinoides. Still, Convolvulus pluricaulis stands out among them for having the most comprehensive and most potent effect on the nervous system, which is why it is often called shankhapushpi proper.

Shankhapushpi is a species of Clematis native to India. The plant was used in Ayurveda medicine as a nervous system enhancer to support thinking, concentration, and memory in ancient times. Its medicinal uses have included depression, states of excessive fear and anxiety, memory lapses, mental disorders, and even epilepsy due to its anticonvulsant effects.

Supports brain function and benefits the nervous system as a whole. It improves mood, memory, concentration, and learning abilities, while gently calming and may make it easier to fall asleep. Moreover, it inhibits neurodegenerative changes in the brain.

It protects its tissues from damage caused by free oxygen radicals and toxic substances (alcohol, drugs). The herb also positively affects the digestive and cardiovascular systems, so Indian doctors included it in herbal mixtures for digestive disorders, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertension.

Shankhapushpi usage



Beneficial properties Shankhapushpi is an essential plant in Ayurvedic Medicine used to treat many nervous system maladies:

  • Combats depression in connection with reducing anxiety
  • Improves memory and cognitive abilities,
  • promotes concentration,
  • elevates mood,
  • reduces nervous tension,
  • also supports the treatment of depression, anxiety, memory loss, and epilepsy
  • calms helps to soothe intense emotions, supports the nervous system
  • facilitates falling asleep,
  • protects the brain from free radicals and toxic substances, supports thinking, and improves concentration
  • Inhibits neurodegenerative changes that may occur with age, improves cerebral circulation, provides mental clarity, further enhances memory and concentration.
  • It has anti-stress and anti-anxiety properties, undoubtedly increasing the secretion of the happiness hormone.

Alleviates symptoms of bronchitis and asthma and additionally strengthens heart muscles

Stimulates digestion and improves metabolism, which also positively affects the digestive system.

Bio-Medical properties


Provides a sedative, antispasmodic, laxative, and tonic effect. It supports digestion. Accelerates wound healing. Properties of this plant include stimulant effect on digestion, soothing effect on gastrointestinal mucosal defects, diastolic and diuretic action.

Shankhapushpi is one of the best and most effective plants that improve memory prevent its loss. It cures hypertension, anxiety neurosis, soothes and calms. It improves sleep, helps in treating epilepsy, protects the central nervous system. Of course, it helps in case of depression.

Shankhpushpi is generally used to treat, control, prevent, and improve the following diseases, conditions, and symptoms:


Shankhpushpi has analgesic properties. Its analgesic properties help cope with other painful diseases such as arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.


Memory enhancement. The power that is together with bacha makes children intelligent, thoughtful, and savvy. Supports general intelligence. Consume 3-6 grams every morning with sugar and milk.


For headache, mix 1g of Shankhpushpi powder with 250gms. In warm water. Have this, and the headache will disappear within five minutes.

Helps with bessenosity

Sleep is essential for us to function correctly. This herb combats

The nervous system


It goes directly to the majja dhatu and treats disorders of the nervous system. Relieves stress, pain, and anxiety, treat insomnia and epilepsy, prevents convulsions. Causes descent of Vata, thereby cleansing all the channels of the body.

Digestive system

Accelerates digestion prevents water retention, constipation, flatulence, and other digestive disorders – especially those caused by nerves. Supports peristaltic movements of the intestines.


The astringent taste inhibits bleeding from the digestive, urinary and reproductive systems.

Reproductive system

It has a strong effect on the dhatu sukra. Increases fertility – in both men and women.


Has a tuning effect on the rakta dhatu. Aids in the treatment of nervous skin disorders.

Sleep disorders such as insomnia induce sleep.


Consumption of Shankhpushpi with wort and peas cures epilepsy and anxiety disorders. Consumption of juice with honey twice a day provides relief to patients suffering from epilepsy. It is enough to take 2 grams.

Helps in controlling vomiting

Add 2 tbsp of Shankhpushpi juice to honey and put a pinch of pepper in it. Drink this repeatedly to control vomiting

Helpful in treating diabetes

Shankhpushpi juice can relieve weakness associated with diabetes. 2-4 g powder taken with cow milk cures diabetes

Shankhpushpi overdose


You shouldn’t take more than the prescribed dose. Taking more than the specified amount will not improve your symptoms and may cause poisoning or serious side effects. If you suspect you or someone else has taken an overdose of Shankhpushpi, go to the emergency room of your nearest hospital or clinic.

Take the medications you are using the packaging or labels to help your doctor provide the necessary information. Do not share your medicines with others(if u don’t know how to use them), even if they suffer from the same ailment or have a similar condition. This could lead to an overdose.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist or refer to the product packaging for more information.

Precautions never enough.


  • Do not use in pregnancy, lactation period, hypersensitivity to the plant.
  • People prone to low blood pressure should exercise caution – the plant may lower blood pressure.
  • During lactation.
  • Safe for children over 3 years in small doses (2 g per day orally or in an infusion).
  • People prone to low blood pressure should exercise caution as consumption of the herb has a blood pressure-lowering effect.

Characteristics of shankhapushpi


Shankhapushpi is a plant in the Clematis family (Convolvulaceae), belonging to Clematis’s genus. It is native to India, where it grows mainly in the northern part of the country. It can also be found in Sri Lanka, East Asia, and Africa. It prefers dry and hot climates. It usually grows on sandy or rocky soil in a sunny location. It blooms in September and October.

Its stem is thin and winds along the ground or stems from other plants. It reaches a length of about 30 cm. It grows with trifoliate leaves, which resemble tongues. The flowers are funnel-shaped and have fused petals. The flowers can be white, light pink, purple, or intense blue. The fruits of this plant are tiny, brown seeds.

Magical effects of shankhapushpina


 Herbal medicine uses the above-ground part of the plant, which contains such active substances as shankhapushpina, convolamine, scopoletin, phytosterols, fatty acids, and minerals. Shankhapushpi is valued for its beneficial effects on the brain and nervous system.

An infusion can be prepared from this Indian plant, or its dried herb can be consumed directly as a powder. Daily consumption of shankhapushpi calms the agitated mind and increases life vigor. Primarily, this herb has a calming effect on the nervous system. It has beneficial balancing properties for all three doshas Pitta, Vata, Kapha.

Shankhapushpi means “plant with concha-shaped leaves.” The conch (Sanskrit shankha) is one of Shiva’s sacred instruments, often used during ritual ceremonies. Shankhapushpi or Shankha Pushpa, (botanical name Convolvulus pluricaulis) is considered a very beneficial herb when there is an excess of each power.

Nimi Ayurveda’s Organic Churna Shankapushpi is of high purity, has laboratory-tested quality, and only contains plant parts listed in the original Ayurvedic scriptures. It is processed and manufactured according to ayurvedic guidelines.

How do you benefit from this magical plant?


  • Blossom intractum: 1 part raw material to 3 parts alcohol 50-60% hot, with a bit of citric acid, succinic acid, or vitamin C; macerate 7 days, filter. As a source of anthocyanins and flavonoids in treating ocular and peripheral circulation disorders, 5 ml 2 times a day.
  • Decoction – Decoctum Clitoriae: moisten 1 tablespoon of crushed root with spirit, after 3 minutes, pour 1 glass of water, boil 5-7 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink the prepared portion. Use 1-2 times a day as a nootropic and psychotronic agent. In the treatment of other diseases 3-4 times a day.
  • Infusion – Infusum Clitoriae: 1-2 tablespoons of crushed herbs or flowers pour 1 glass of boiling water; leave for several dozen minutes under a cover. Drink the prepared amount of the infusion. Use 3-4 times a day. When the flowers are brewed, I recommend adding a pinch of citric acid or ascorbic acid before boiling water to stabilize the infusion.
  • You can consume the powdered ingredients in large doses, in the order of 3-5 g 3 times a day, preferably on honey; continuously carefully sip warm/hot drinks for better extraction in the digestive tract.