
Gaultheria Procumbens Uses

Gaultheria Procumbens, aka Wintergreen, is a plant with many uses. Whether you use it in your home or while you are out and about, this plant has many beneficial qualities and uses.


If you have never heard of Gaultheria Procumbens before, you may be wondering: “Gaulthe- what now?” or “How can it help me health-wise?” or “What are some uses of consuming this medication?”

Well, we are glad to tell you that you are exactly where you should be!

In this article, we will be walking you through everything you will need to know about this plant from what it is, its origins, its many uses (both health-related and non-health-related ones), risks associated that you should consider before consuming them, and the safest way to consume and use the plant.

With that being said, let’s cut right to the chase.

What is Gaultheria Procumbens?


Gaultheria Procumbens is a small shrub that grows in the forests of Japan and North America. It grows on moist soil at high altitudes and can reach heights between one to three feet. Gaultheria procumbens has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its healing properties.

The popular name for gaultheria procumbens is “wintergreen,” but it is also known as checkerberry or mountain tea. This plant belongs to the Ericaceae family; its botanical name is Gaultheria Procumbens Momotani & Franchi ex Maximowicz (Viburnum carlesii Decaisne).

Origins of Gaultheria Procumbens

Wintergreen is a small shrub that grows in the mountains of North America. It is often found in shady areas and has beautiful red or black berries in the fall.

The wintergreen plant is characterized by its shiny, oval-shaped leaves that are leathery and aromatic. These properties are due to the presence of oil called methyl salicylate, which can be extracted from the leaves of this plant. The leaves contain up to 70% of this oil. This substance exhibits anti-inflammatory effects similar to aspirin but with fewer side effects.



Relieves pain


Gaultheria Procumbens is an herbal remedy that can be used to relieve pain. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of this herb make it a good choice for treating headaches and joint pain.

The analgesic properties of Gaultheria Procumbens are due to its tannins, which have been shown in studies to inhibit the production of prostaglandins, a group of hormones that help transmit pain signals through the body.

High in antioxidants

Gaultheria procumbens contains antioxidants called flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol), which have anti-inflammatory properties that may help relieve inflammation associated with a cold or flu.

Has anti-inflammatory properties


Gaultheria Procumbens is a natural anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antihistamine. It also has potent antibacterial properties that make it useful in fighting off a variety of infections.

The leaves and flowers are used to make traditional medicines. These include preparations such as creams or ointments that can be applied topically to reduce swelling and inflammation (Gaultheria Procumbens Cream).

Relieves skin allergies

Gaultheria Procumbens is a great herb to use as a natural remedy if you suffer from skin allergies. It can be used to treat rashes and other skin conditions. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it an excellent option for treating painful skin inflammations like eczema and psoriasis.

Gaultheria Procumbens is also useful for treating infections on the skin. The antiviral properties in the herb make it an effective topical treatment for warts, ringworm, and other fungal infections that affect the outer layer of your epidermis (the top layer of your skin).

Has anti-ageing properties


Gaultheria procumbens is an anti-ageing herb and has been found to be effective in reducing the signs of ageing. Gaultheria procumbens helps with the anti-aging process by reducing inflammation and also providing nourishment to your skin. This is thanks to the fact that It is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Relieves fevers

Gaultheria procumbens is used to reduce fever. This herb is also known by the names alpine wintergreen, creeping snowberry, and sweet wintergreen. It is native to Europe and Asia but can be found in other areas of the world as an introduced species.

Gaultheria procumbens has been used for many years to treat fevers associated with colds and flu, arthritis pain, infections of the throat or lungs (pneumonia), tuberculosis (TB), malaria (a type of parasitic disease caused by protozoa), diabetes mellitus (DM) complications such as nerve damage due to DM-related diabetic neuropathy; wounds that do not heal properly; diseases of arteries such as atherosclerosis; certain cancers including Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Hodgkin’s disease)

Helps relieve gastric ulcers


One of Gaultheria Procumbens’ most notable uses is to help heal gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcers are the result of an imbalance in the stomach’s natural acidity.

This imbalance can be caused by a number of factors such as stress, excessive alcohol consumption, or certain medications. If left untreated for too long, a gastric ulcer will become more severe and could lead to a perforated stomach lining which requires immediate medical attention.

Gaultheria Procumbens has been shown to reduce inflammation in patients with duodenal ulcers, which may help speed up healing times when used alongside traditional treatments like antibiotics and antacids. Moreover, it might also be effective at treating peptic ulcers.

Relieves other common sicknesses

In traditional Chinese medicine, gaultheria is used to treat symptoms of the common cold, including sore throat and nasal congestion. The herb is also beneficial for asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions.

Other uses of Gaultheria Procumbens aside from health


Gaultheria Procumbens has a wide variety of uses. Aside from its medicinal properties, this plant is also used in many other ways.

Insect repellent

The essential oil extracted from Gaultheria Procumbens can be used as an insect repellent. You can add some drops of its essential oil to water or olive oil and add it to your bathwater for effective results.


The berries of Gaultheria Procumbens have been used for dyeing cloths such as wool and cotton. In fact, the berries were used along with other plants like elderberry and madder (Rubia tinctorum). These dyes were also made into ink by mixing them with fats like tallow or egg yolk.

Leather tanning

Since ancient times, leather tanners have been using Gaultheria Secunda as one of their main ingredients in preparing hides for tanning purposes because it helps soften the hides by removing collagen proteins that are responsible for making them stiffer than usual before they are softened with lime juice or limewash (calcium carbonate mixed with water).

Candle making


This herb is very popular among candle makers due to its sweet smell and beautiful colours when burned. When lit, it emits a strong aroma that resembles cinnamon or clove spice. It also makes an excellent holiday decorative piece as well as an excellent gift for anyone who loves candles!

Scented oil

The leaves can be infused into oil to create an amazing scent that is perfect for diffusing throughout the home or putting on your body after showering! The scent lasts longer than other oils because it does not evaporate quickly as some others do; it will stay with you all day long!

Soil conditioner

The berries are high in tannins and can be used as a soil stabilizer to prevent erosion of slopes and banks. They also break down very quickly in the soil and become an essential source of nutrients for plants growing on the slope or bank.

Risks of consuming Gaultheria Procumbens to be aware of



The risks associated with consuming Gaultheria Procumbens include an allergic reaction if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication. With that being said, if you have any other underlying health condition, are breastfeeding or pregnant, do not consume Gaultheria Procumbens (as most, if not all, health care professionals would advise).

Like most medications, Gaultheria Procumbens also come with discomforts. Side effects can also occur if Gaultheria Procumbens is ingested. These may include diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Additionally, if Gaultheria Procumbens is taken in larger doses than recommended, it could cause toxicity or death.

Note: Even if you are not allergic, pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any underlying health condition, we still highly recommend seeking professional medical advice from your local health provider to ensure you get to consume them safely.

Safest ways to consume Gaultheria Procumbens


Gaultheria Procumbens should not be consumed in large quantities. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, do not consume Gaultheria Procumbens.

If you are taking medication or have any underlying health conditions (if present) accounted for, consult your local healthcare provider before consuming Gaultheria Procumbens with these factors accounted for.

The bottom line

While the studies are promising, it’s important to point out that there is a need for more research. Many of the studies we cited here were performed on animals, so most evidence is circumstantial. Pregnant women should not take any medications without consulting their doctors first (and this includes herbal supplements).

Remember, if you are taking prescription drugs and/or have preexisting medical conditions, you should always speak with your physicians before starting a new treatment regimen.