How Students Eat During Exams: Top 10 Healthy Foods for the Brain

[toc]Being a student only seems to live according to an exact plan and always know what to do next.
In reality, the majority of students are anxious, confused, and lack free time. Will you remember
cooking healthy food and eating it enough times a day in such a state of mind?

We don’t think you’ll be able to do it. Students’ minds are full of various thoughts, such as how to sleep more, pass the test, do an assignment, and when it all ends. Food isn’t given a considerable amount
of attention, but today we’ll change it.

Studying in college and university is a dream of many school graduates, but they just don’t know that college is not the easiest stage of life. Movies and TV series show that students are the happiest people on Earth, but reality significantly differs from the widespread image.

If you’re preparing for college, you must know that exams aren’t the only difficult things in studying.
Some assignments are so difficult that they can plunge you into despair. But you can always ask for help from an academic writing service.

The Importance of Healthy Nutrition for Students

What do you know about food and its impact on our organism besides it’s a vital aspect of life? It helps our body to live. But why eating well is especially important for students. Food supports our organism and especially the brain.

People who eat healthily have fewer problems with information retention, with learning and studying at all. Many studies were conducted on this topic, and 90% of them proved that people who keep to a healthy diet show better results in studying and have higher grades than their counterparts.

We don’t try to prove that healthy food is the only aspect that defines your success in studying, but its impact is serious enough. When your brain works well, you are quick to grasp things. As a result, you spend less time doing homework, understand all topics, aren’t afraid to tak exams, and don’t feel stressed because you’re self-confident.

It’s difficult enough to imagine a diligent student who has free time to cook food and prepare meals to eat between classes instead of having a cup of coffee with friends. Sorry, but the absence of time isn’t a reason to stop taking care of your health.

Check the statistics of dietary behaviors of US students to see the dependence between eating habits and students’ academic performance.

The Products That Can Make Your Brain Work More Effectively

If you have an exam in a few days, changing your dietary behaviors makes no sense. Those who want to start a new stage of life may do it at the beginning of the semester. However, this approach will have results. Students are stressed. Always. And the closer your exams are, the higher your stress level is. Usually, those who have an exam in a couple of days prefer to devote all their free time studying the information. But completely forgetting about yourself and neglecting the needs of an organism is the biggest mistake you can make. If you’ve started keeping to a healthy diet, continue it during your exam session. Here you’ll learn ten good foods to eat during exams to pass all of them successfully.

1. Dark chocolate

The most widespread fact about dark chocolate is that it improves cognitive function. This is because dark chocolate contains cocoa, which in its turn contains flavonoids that proved to have the effect we’ve mentioned here.

If you eat enough cocoa, your brain gets more blood and oxygen. As a result, you have a higher speed on mental reaction, enjoy the reduced mental fatigue and many other useful effects. We used to think that sweet things are harmful to our organisms, but cocoa destroys this myth.

2. Leafy greens

We know many young people don’t like greenery, but the older they become, the more often they start to eat it. If you hate lettuce, find an alternative — buy spinach.

All leafy greens benefit our brain each in its own way. Add leafy greens to your meals to suppose brain function, prevent memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease. The earlier you start to care about your brain, the better for your future.

3. Fatty fish

Omega-3 fatty acids and their positive effects on human organisms are well-known. The best source of these acids is fatty fish, so you must eat more of this product during your exams.

Do you remember how much time and nerves you spent the last time you tried to write a perfect paper? Enough fat fish in your diet will help you restore the brain and nerve cells you constantly lose because of stress.

4. Avocado

Doctors often ask patients older than 60 to eat more avocado because it prevents the formation of certain brain cells called tangles that can cause Alzheimer’s disease. This fruit is a rich source of unsaturated fats.

Students who have a diagnosed hypertension must include this product in their daily ratio. Avocados can boast of lowering blood pressure and helping the brain work effectively. People who regularly eat avocado will never face a cognitive decline.

5. Whole grains

We won’t discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each grain type. It makes no sense. Rice, wheat, quinoa, oats, corn, and all other grains greatly benefit our organism, and of course, benefit our brain.

Modern people prefer purchasing and eating processed grains, but they don’t have the minerals and vitamins the whole grains have. Various elements and vitamins are the ones that ensure the brain-boosting effect. Those who eat more grains remember more information and think faster than those who don't eat grains.

6. Broccoli

If you don’t like broccoli, you don’t know how to cook it well and don’t understand what the benefits of this food for your brain are. First of all, broccoli is your way to keep to a healthy diet since it’s a low-calorie product.

It’s rich in antioxidants and certain elements that reduce stress. What do you need when you’re preparing for an exam? Of course, you need something that can calm you. Some students prefer drinking alcohol for this purpose, but they usually fail. Such an outcome will never await those who like broccoli.

7. Coffee

You probably are surprised to see coffee in the list of healthy products. Scientists always told us that coffee is harmful, but nowadays, more and more people prefer to think that coffee is useful for those who think a lot.

A cup of coffee in the morning can boost your mood, your concentration, the speed of reactions, and the speed of cognitive processes. Have a cup of tea when you start doing something difficult: taking an exam or writing a paper. We guarantee you’ll succeed in any activity. Be careful: we don’t approve of consuming energy drinks; this source of caffeine is unsuitable for students.

8. Eggs

Protein is necessary not only for building muscles. You may think that the best energy sources for the organism and brain itself are fats and carbohydrates, but protein may become a good substitute for these elements.

Egg whites contain enough protein to boost your energy, so prepare sandwiches with eggs and take them to your college to eat for dinner or after the exam. Do you feel anxious? Eat more protein. By the way, foods containing protein normalize the blood sugar level, so sweetums must take advantage of this fact.

9. Blueberry

College students must eat all fruits and berries to boost brain activity, and this information seems to be rather well-known. But have you heard about blueberries and their effect? Again, these berries increase blood flow; the brain cells get more oxygen and work better.

Moreover, blueberries have many other positive effects on human health, so purchase some berries and try to eat them a few times a week. According to certain testing, people who ate blueberries regularly performed better in cognitive testing and had a better memory.

10. Nuts

Nuts are the second vital source of omega-3 fatty acids we’ve mentioned. You may tire of eating fatty fish, so you may replace it with the nuts you like. Do you need snacks during your classes? Consider buying some nuts.

It’s the best way to appease hunger and eat healthy foods at the same time. In addition, nuts do good for your mental health, the ability to interpret information. You’ll never face a decline in cognitive abilities at a young age when you eat enough nuts.