Comments on: Raw Garlic For Colds and Flu: Studies For & Against Wed, 18 Mar 2020 23:26:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sciencegeek Wed, 18 Mar 2020 23:26:42 +0000 What a ridiculous article. It is false to claim garlic does not help to treat respiratory infections and that this a scientific fact. Do you not understand the difference between a study which shows a negative result and no studies at all?

By all means say there are no studies which prove it because no studies have been done. But you cannot claim it has been proven not to work.

By: Carol Warner Wed, 11 Mar 2020 00:41:33 +0000 I take a garlic supplement daily, and haven’t had a cold or the flu in over 8 years. I am also a smoker, and whenever my lungs are stressed, it cures whatever ails me (and I’m talking next day). I can’t medically prove that it works, but hey, it works for me, and that’s enough reason to continue. I hope I don’t get the coronavirus, as it’s running rampant here in the Seattle area. Whether it will help combat that, I have no idea, but I’m hoping it will. We’ll see.

By: karin Tue, 03 Mar 2020 17:10:41 +0000 This article is informative but it is leaving out a lot of other facts. In other words, it is so factual that it misleads you that it has all the facts. You try to give the impression that you know it all. You don’t. Let me ask the author, you write studies for and against. I don’t see the for. You sound like you chemically know it all just by mentioning a few chemicals and leaving the rest out and assuming you know all the chemicals. NO ONE DOES. Garlic has how many compounds, I think they counted 25 so far. Seriously THEY DO NOT know what they all do. Garlic is used in Europe for MRSA. I have experience using it on a hospitalized mrsa patient for a week. The week we used it they wanted to release him, when we stopped, he got worse. When I was not well the doc said STOP HAVING GARLIC, my infection became double, fungal and bacterial in ear. My infection was painful and long, I was told it would be 2-3 months. Instead of the docs meds I did my garlic throughout the day and healed in one month.
I became interested in garlic when I met a woman whose family was exiled to Siberia. Everyone around her was turning yellow, being brought to the hospital on a stretcher and dying. She did not. She ate daily one slice of bread with one clove. That is all she got. It was frigid there. She is the only one who lived in her circle of friends and family. Garlic is safe for pediatric use also. When my son was 2 weeks old he had fever and ear infection which is dangerous. I lowered the fever with an herb maybe feverfew in one day. I used manmade mullein/ garlic oil for ear and put the homemade garlic oil on my body while nursing for baby. We went to the doc within 3 days the infection was gone, faster than the docs 10 day course which compromises the flora. There was remaining inflammation only the doc said, I got his permission to do it and came to have baby checked to verify. NEVER, now 9 years old does he ever need antibiotic, garlic does it all and if nautious we switch to elderberry putting it into spray bottle for kids to spray their mouth for fun sugar free version. It gives energy, gently lowers fever and is antiviral BUT DOES NOT do what garlic does. You see, garlic liquifies the mucous, you can feel it! Therefore removes coughing quickly, exception is if you haven’t been treating it and it is the 4th day for instance, then it could take more than one dose. You prevent viruses from taking over if you treat 3 or 4 times a day, only one drop of homemade oil for an infant! Very little is used/needed for children per dose! and you keep in fridge, don’t cook it use it any way you want just take it, you can use just the oil that touches it but keep it covered ad in the fridge and throw it out if over one week old. You can then use the meaty garlic for food flavoring or at end of cooking. It works in popcycles, ANYTHING, Relieves stuffy, stuffy w. pain, parasites like pinworms, (we have) anti fungal, anti viral, anti bacterial! EVERYONE in our household uses it. It works for STREP. It makes you more comfortable, much better than MUCINEX it is an all in one. Use it BEFORE you get to the doctor. There is more I can say but I will stop. Oh, coughing at night, take your garlic, GOT IT REALL REALLY BAD, when your cough starts up again, TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT does not kill off your beneficial good bacteria that helps your immune system. THE ARTICLE I LOOKED AT IS VERY VERY MISLEADING The drug co’s and docs are making money on the scripts and visits. SEE FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

By: georgie Sun, 01 Mar 2020 07:45:59 +0000 oh boy im a living proof that eating 10 cloves raw garlic cures colds in two days

By: CD Fri, 14 Feb 2020 03:30:15 +0000 A major false assumption in this article is “Allicin” which is already known to be undetectable in the body once it hits the stomache. Not even 60 seconds later can it be found. The implication is that other chemicals in garlic such as S-allyl Cystine, and thio-sulfides are the active ingredients of raw garlic. So, no. It’s probably not allicin doing the work. And companies who tout their available allicin levels are using old research for marketing purposes because people have heard about allicin.

Now, just for fun let’s reverse the revering of meta-analysis. How many studies about garlic and colds/flu have shown positive or very positive results? Well, the single study mentioned would mean that 100% of studies on that subject show garlic to be exceptionally bioactive and beneficial. Sounds a lot different when you say it that way doesn’t it?

By: Biff McFly Thu, 24 May 2018 23:11:50 +0000 In reply to Michael Ansolis.

And Michael Ansolis’ comment doesn’t mean garlic didn’t work. See how logic works?

By: Patrick sayers Sat, 12 May 2018 11:30:44 +0000 I used to get terrible 10 day colds but since I started to eat a clove of RAW garlic with musili I have had no cold for 25 years daily with mint or parsley to cancel smell . If I missed out due to travel I might get a one day cold symptom. Garlic will not cure colds …it prevents the cold virus’s anti viral properties open a new horizon of prevention Do not buy pills or cook garlic that ruins it.
Patrick S. Sydney Australia

By: Michael Ansolis Tue, 08 May 2018 19:45:34 +0000 In reply to Taylor Finch.

I was able to stop sore throat within hours by doing nothing at all. The comment that garlic helped you doesn’t prove anything about garlic.

By: TK Mon, 05 Mar 2018 17:10:21 +0000 Fabulous analysis. Thank you

By: Anonymous Sat, 20 Jan 2018 00:02:15 +0000 In reply to Taylor Finch.

I have successfully used raw garlic juice to stop flu, ILI and colds. I haven’t been sick in over a decade and i interact with the public daily in my work.
